Available Light Photography

Definition Available Light

Available Light (available = available, existing; light = light) photography takes the existing light sources and the use of flash, lighting and headlights are rejected. You are only using the light that is available.

The real mood is captured and the situation is not changed. by the photographer´s intervention (flashlight).

Fire and Available Light Photography
Fire and Available Light Photography
church-goers and candles as light source
Church visitors and candles as light source

major events

castle view at event
Castle view at event

And here, people in front of bright backgrounds are always a good place to get a silhouette. The warm light is important. The following picture shows a section of the castle view from above.

Available Light Photography - Silhouette can also convey mood
Available Light Photography - Silhouette can also convey mood

Sunrise and sunset are also available Light

sunrise in Cyprus
Sunrise in Cyprus