Baby bump photos

A baby bump shoot needs a lot of space with elegant clothes, a photo studio is ideal for this.

What makes good baby bump photos?

Good baby bump photos emphasize the anticipation of the baby, the belly and the femininity. The anticipation of and love for the baby are the main motif. A good photographer emphasizes this and makes stretch marks and fabrics or hands disappear, so that the love for the baby is fully in the foreground.

Why a baby bump photo shoot with a photographer in the studio?

Children are demanding models who should be approached creatively. Children also have expectations, demands and ideas for the shoot. These ideas can be quickly addressed in the studio, as everything is ready to implement your children's photo ideas. In addition, everything is stable and safe and cannot injure your children. Photo flashes and tripods in the mobile studio are very unstable and easy to overlook when a little whirlwind whizzes through the room. The new environment is exciting for your children and a small play area keeps them entertained while a new scene is being set up or a photo is being taken by their parents. A photo studio therefore allows for creativity and safety. A subsequent photo with a pregnancy belly painted by the sibling during the shoot would have been simply impossible at home, but in the photo studio special foil prevents the paint from being everywhere afterwards. Painting a baby belly with a sibling is always a great photo idea.

Good baby bump photos with me as your photographer at home

Good baby bump photos need time and peace and quiet. Your baby wants to be breastfed and sleeps often and for long periods of time. At home, this offers plenty of time to breastfeed and change the baby in a familiar atmosphere while I prepare other scenes. In addition, more extensive equipment can be set up and used at home than would be possible in hospital. What's more, your baby is still too bloated and tired from the strenuous journey in hospital.

Great baby bump photos are a great memory of your baby's first year of life.

What are baby bump photos?

Baby bump photos are best taken directly after the birth, you might think. However, baby bump photos can be taken up to the 21st day of life, as from then on newborns lose their unique newborn appearance and look like babies.

When are baby bump photos taken?

Baby bump photos are photos taken directly after birth, you might think. However, immediately after birth, newborns usually still have a lot of water retention, which they need for the first few days of life. That's why the best time is between the 14th and 21st day of life. This gives mother and child time to recover and get to know each other.

Baby bump photos should of course include kisses.

Baby bump photos through preparation

The best time for a family photo shoot is between the 14th and 21st day after birth. This is when your baby's initial water retention has subsided and you can refresh yourself a little to fully enjoy the photo shoot. It is good to discuss the photo shoot in peace and quiet before the birth to know which photos will be taken. You also want as much rest as possible after the birth to get to know your new family member, recover from the birth in the postpartum period and take care of them.

A baby shoot with siblings can take the whole day. Depending on how many scenes are taken and the natural daily rhythm of the little model and the mood of your child. The photo shoot is best started after the first breastfeeding and nap with stylized photos. This has the huge advantage that your baby is just waking up and slowly opening its eyes, looking sleepily and curiously into the camera. This results in natural and wonderful photos of newborns.

Photos with backdrops through scenes

The first nap in the shoot results in beautiful sleeping photos of your baby, such as swaddled in a basket. The prop is also the backdrop and 10 different pillows create the perfect position for the baby.

And it gives me time to prepare more extensive scenes. Depending on your wishes, a family photo can be created in which the sleeping baby is marveled at by the family.

Siblings on a small mini sofa for great photo shoot fun.

Or your baby can become a professor. Gently resting with the essential birth data naturally embedded in the photo. This results in very beautiful individual birth cards, as the birth data and name do not have to be written in plumb or squeezed into a prefabricated format.

Can phone is a great photo for a family shoot with pregnancy belly.

Baby bump photos with backdrop with 3D letters

I can also provide you with the name as 3D letters. The baby's name is shown here as 3D letters in the picture and the colors of the Mexican flag in the background. With 3D letters, your baby's name can be integrated into any picture and the letters remain in your possession and are the perfect decoration for the nursery or even for the wall of the nursery. I print the name from bio-based and biologically compostable PLA, which contains and has been tested in the test for the absence of harmful substances even when heated and can therefore be placed next to the baby during the photo shoot and then remain in the nursery as decoration, even if I don't recommend it as a toy of course.

I am happy to be at your disposal as a photographer for a baby shoot with extensive photos. You can contact me at any time. We can also talk about how you can prepare individual backdrops yourself to get the most beautiful backdrop and the most beautiful photo. The prices listed here are based on experience from previous shoots and may be reduced depending on the scope and combination with other scenes. This is because a large part of the price is the journey, the set-up and the technology. Whether 2 or 5 scenes are done is entirely up to you. The main thing is that the goal is achieved, namely to take unique photos of your newborn treasure that you will enjoy looking at for a long time to come.

When is the right time for a baby bump photo shoot?

Baby belly photo: list of weeks of pregnancy

The question of when is the best time for baby bump photos or which month of pregnancy is best for the shoot is often asked.

At the beginning of pregnancy there are usually ultrasound pictures, so not necessarily for the normal photographer. These pictures are also great and can be held in front of the future belly. Early ultrasound examinations, around the sixth to seventh week of pregnancy, reveal the embryo's heartbeat and serve to confirm the pregnancy.

From the eighth week of pregnancy, the belly bulges slightly and from the fifth month, the baby bump becomes visible. From the sixth month, there is a clear ball (for almost everyone, although the exception always proves the rule). In the ninth month, the belly slides down a little. Depending on the muscles and connective tissue, the visible baby bump is smaller. Sporty women therefore often have smaller bellies. As a rule of thumb, the abdominal circumference increases by 40 cm (measured at the level of the navel).

The belly should be nice and round for the photo shoot. The 32nd week of pregnancy (i.e. at the beginning of the eighth month) is ideal. From the 35th week of pregnancy it becomes critical. Every movement of the pregnant woman becomes a high-performance sport and then you usually don't feel like taking photos anymore.

If you want, you can also document the chronological events and take a photo for each of the nine months. Lining them up gives a great impression (also of the burden of carrying the baby for the mother).

What to wear with it? Outfits for the baby bump shoot

If the baby bump is completely concealed by clothing, it will be much less memorable. It's best to show skin. This does not necessarily mean a nude, but it can. It's always a question of personal preference as to what you want to show and how much. The important thing is that the people being photographed should feel comfortable!

If you have no problem showing your belly: go for it. An open shirt can look beautiful and conceal breasts.

Baby belly with open shirt
Baby bump with open shirt

For those who want to show more but are afraid of a nude, photos with the belly on show and the undersides of the breasts for comparison are an option. These can look very aesthetically pleasing. The majority of the breast can remain covered by a bra! Just give it a try. Jeans and topless are also possible. The breasts can be covered with the hands. Make an agreement with the photographer about the use of the photos, e.g. that no one else is allowed to use the photos.

Baby bump photo with partner
Baby bump photo with partner

If you do the photo shoot with your partner, they can carefully embrace your baby bump. They can do this by standing behind their partner or in front of them. You can also form a heart with the hands of both of you. There are no limits to creativity here. Some men also like to show their own belly as competition. You can do this, but you don't have to.

Baby belly with siblings

If you already have children of your own, they can also be included in the photo. Many children like to be included.

Accessories, jewelry and things for the baby bump photo

The surface of the belly is ideal for decorating with skin cream or finger paints, for example. From a tally sheet to the name of the newborn written down to a heart, many things are possible

Ideas and matching accessories:

  • Ultrasound picture
  • Measuring tape: later you almost can't believe the size of the belly
  • Baby toys and soft toys
  • Pacifiers
  • Baby clothes: if you want to reveal the gender, choose the corresponding color
  • Notes to write on: for messages or the choice of names
  • Gift ribbon (in different colors)
  • Scrabble letters (also available in Russian, Greek, Hebrew, Thai, Arabic ...)
  • Calendar with entry
  • Beautiful underwear
  • Figure-hugging clothing
  • Hat that can also be used to conceal areas
  • A ball for the man (if he is a ball sportsman). This allows him to stand next to the woman and offers a size comparison
Baby belly with drawing
Baby bump with drawing

Jewelry, fingernails and painted fingernails

Here you can say that experience has shown that this can be very distracting and changes fashion. If in doubt, better not. After all, it should primarily be about the baby bump

Parents' hands are often visible in this type of photo. So make sure your nails are trimmed and clean. At most, both parents own a garage and always have the appropriate fingers - but joking aside. Please pay attention to fingernails and hands in advance, which will save time during the shoot and you can concentrate directly on the pictures.

Location for the baby bump shoot

The shoot can take place anywhere, although a photo studio is the best option as you are not dependent on the weather and there are no prying eyes. However, the photos can also be taken in nature. This requires more planning in advance so that everything is available and ready to hand.

Finding a local photo studio for your own baby bump shoot

Many photographers offer baby bump photo shoots. Simply search Google for "photographer + baby bump shoot + city" in your city or nearest larger city. The first step is simply to have a preliminary talk. If you like the photographer and the location suits you, simply book. By doing so, you are also supporting a professional group that is finding it increasingly difficult to carry out their profession in times of often poor cell phone photos. So just take a look around.